VOH Luongo

About VOH Luongo

VOH Luongo opened in March 2017. We care for over 100 children and employ nearly a dozen Zambians. Our centre is located in Kamilulu, about thirty minutes from downtown Kitwe.

There are high rates of unemployment and illiteracy in the region. Most people in the community provide for their families by finding temporary, part-time work. However, jobs are becoming increasingly difficult to find as more people move to the area.

The opening of our VOH centre was a welcome addition to the surrounding community. We assist their families significantly by caring for local children and providing them with education, nutrition, and healthcare. Additionally, our on-site borehole is available to everyone nearby and saves them from walking long distances to carry water back home.

Our Programs


We provide free education for children in the community who would otherwise be unable to attend school due to the high cost of uniforms, textbooks, and school supplies. Our teachers take an active interest in the education and lives of every child in their class and make regular home visits to ensure the children and their families are managing well despite any challenges they may be facing.


Since we don’t have a clinic at our centre, the children are taken to the VOH Kitwe clinic for basic health needs and check-ups. In the event of an emergency, children are taken to a nearby government health post.

Feeding Program

We provide nutrition to all the children in our care through our daily feeding program. The children receive HEPS (High Energy Protein Supplement) porridge; for many of them, this is the only consistent nutrition they receive each day. We also provide additional nutritional support for children who are not developing at a healthy rate and those struggling with their health.

Family-Focused Shelter

We don’t have any children’s homes on-site, but to ensure the children attending our school live in safe environments, we visit their homes and build good relationships with their caregivers.

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Please support our work by donating today and help us bring hope to the children of Zambia!

Sponsor a Child

Make a difference in the life of a VOH child by becoming a sponsor and supporting them monthly!

Contact VOH Luongo

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